Conference Theme and Sub-Themes

The 6th AfricaLics conference aims to address the above issues which are not only common to African countries but have remained on the front burner of discussions around the development of the continent at the global level. The main theme of the conference is The Africa We Want: Leveraging Innovation and Digital Transformation. Papers addressing the main topic and sub-themes (see below) are strongly encouraged, but other high-quality papers focusing on innovation and development issues may also be accepted.


  1. Appropriate policies for innovation and development in the era of Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA), 2024, Agenda 2063 and the SDGs.
  2. Innovation, the Private Sector, and Sustainable Development – the future of formal and informal economies.
  3. Innovation management in key economic sectors for Africa’s development (e.g. agriculture, manufacturing, services): prospects and challenges.
  4. 4th Industrial Revolution: opportunities and impacts of disruptive technologies on African social and economic structures.
  5. Innovation for social inclusion and conflict management.
  6. Strategies and technologies to enhance Agricultural Innovation for poverty alleviation, resilience to climate change and its impacts.
  7. Innovative and sustainable solutions for quality education and equality for healthy living and well-being.
  8. Innovations for reduced inequalities in Africa (gender, income, health, human settlements etc.) and inclusive, productive, and decent job for all.
  9. Forging Collaborative Paths: public private sector partnerships for sustainable development and inclusive growth.


AfricaLics Secretariat
African Centre for Technology Studies
ICIPE, Duduville Campus, Kasarani
P.O. Box 45917 - 00100
Nairobi - Kenya

Email: secretariat [at]
Tel: +254 710 607210